Friday, December 11, 2009

Too Small To Take It All -Part 18

Type : WMV
Size : 720x576
File Size : 67 MB
Download Link : HotFile

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to make of this and I'm hoping you enlightened parents can help. I have a teen who's recent computer history shows that he's viewing gay porn - male on male. He does not know that I have been viewing his history occasionally, but yesterday he had a glitch with his computer and was demonstrating the problem when I noticed that a tab was open for I commented on it (thinking it was a good opportunity to talk about what I had seen in the history) and he brushed me off by saying it was lesbian porn and that boys his age find it stimulating. Later in the day I looked up the site and saw lots of video clips of male on male and solo male sex acts. When I had a chance I told him what I saw when I looked up the site, and he brushed me off again, saying that what he looks at is female on female. Up until I saw this stuff, I would never have thought that my son could be gay, but its nagging at me. My husband says he has NEVER been attracted to gay sex or men. When I was in college, I had a lesbian relationship, but until it literally fell into my lap, had never had any desire to be with a woman and continued to sleep with men through that relationship. Though, as I am sure many straight women can attest, the sight of a sexy woman can be physically stimulating. Should I be probing my son further about his sexual preference or should I just let this sort itself out? Can any male parents out there comment - gay or straight? confused parent

