I have discovered that my 12 year old daughter has gone on a porn site a few times and I am obviously concerned, not happy about those images being so available to her and the objectification of sex etc. I am not sure how to proceed. I don't know a lot about blocks. I told her that I was thinking about putting a block up so that she could only go on approved website and she was very upset by this because she likes to be able to discover new websites, mostly quite innocent, and I don't mind her using the computer in this way. I definitely want to have a conversation with her about this but am also sensitive to making her feel ashamed about this, which I don't want to do. If anyone is open to sharing their experience in this realm, and also any suggestions about different forms of control for the internet. Not wanting to take away all her privacy but also not wanting to ignore this slippery slope. concerned mom
I have discovered that my 12 year old daughter has gone on a porn site a few times and I am obviously concerned, not happy about those images being so available to her and the objectification of sex etc. I am not sure how to proceed. I don't know a lot about blocks. I told her that I was thinking about putting a block up so that she could only go on approved website and she was very upset by this because she likes to be able to discover new websites, mostly quite innocent, and I don't mind her using the computer in this way. I definitely want to have a conversation with her about this but am also sensitive to making her feel ashamed about this, which I don't want to do. If anyone is open to sharing their experience in this realm, and also any suggestions about different forms of control for the internet. Not wanting to take away all her privacy but also not wanting to ignore this slippery slope. concerned mom