I stumbled across some bookmarked XXX web sites on the family computer a few years ago - I have teenage sons. I was concerned because I consider myself a feminist, have tried to raise my sons to be so, and have always thought most porn to be degrading to women. I talked to a few friends about it and heard especially from the dads that this is really typical teen male behavior and maybe not healthy to forbid it. So here is what I did, and it has worked really well. I told my kids that I heard from other parents that teenage boys look at porn a lot. I said I think porn might make people think that all women are big-breasted fluffy-heads who want to have sex all the time, and women are not like that. I said I am sure they understand that porn is total fantasy and has nothing to do with reality. Then I said it is fine with me if they look at it in private on the computer as long as they understand this. I said that I do not ever want to come across any magazines lying around the house or see any X-rated web pages pop up when I sit down to use the computer. Then I showed them how to make their own bookmarks on Netscape and I told them that I would respect their privacy and not snoop around in their bookmarks as long as they kept their part of the agreement. The younger son then 13 was very embarassed by the whole discussion and said nothing. The older son said "Great! Thanks Mom. Does that mean you will get me a subscription to Playboy?" (ha! of course not!)
I stumbled across some bookmarked XXX web sites on the family computer a few years ago - I have teenage sons. I was concerned because I consider myself a feminist, have tried to raise my sons to be so, and have always thought most porn to be degrading to women. I talked to a few friends about it and heard especially from the dads that this is really typical teen male behavior and maybe not healthy to forbid it. So here is what I did, and it has worked really well. I told my kids that I heard from other parents that teenage boys look at porn a lot. I said I think porn might make people think that all women are big-breasted fluffy-heads who want to have sex all the time, and women are not like that. I said I am sure they understand that porn is total fantasy and has nothing to do with reality. Then I said it is fine with me if they look at it in private on the computer as long as they understand this. I said that I do not ever want to come across any magazines lying around the house or see any X-rated web pages pop up when I sit down to use the computer. Then I showed them how to make their own bookmarks on Netscape and I told them that I would respect their privacy and not snoop around in their bookmarks as long as they kept their part of the agreement. The younger son then 13 was very embarassed by the whole discussion and said nothing. The older son said "Great! Thanks Mom. Does that mean you will get me a subscription to Playboy?" (ha! of course not!)